courses include accommodations on board, with boarding
the evening before the course begins, instructor,
fuel for the vessel and all course materials.
Students may bring along additional crew (child,
parents, friends, etc.) as long as there are two
full-price students on board. The cost is 50% of the
course fee per person not taking the course. Crew
members may not participate in the course program.
Crew member should plan activities off of the boat
during the course, (i.e., shopping, swimming at
the pool or sightseeing) but may stay aboard in
the evening.
includes accommodations on board, instructor, fuel and required course
materials. You are responsible for personal expenses,
dockage at other marinas and provisions for yourselves
and the instructor.
Refer to Course Rates for
information and pricing.
Enrollment Fee:
A deposit by check, money order, VISA
or MasterCard for 50% of the total course fees is
due at the time of initial enrollment.
The balance of your tuition is due 30 days prior
to the class (check, money order, Visa & MC accepted).
Textbooks will be mailed to you upon receipt of
your reservation deposit. It is essential that you
read and study these materials prior to the start
of your course.
You may board your yacht at any time after noon
the day before your course begins. Plan to meet
with our staff, provision your yacht and make final
course plans that afternoon.
If we receive written notice of your cancellation
at least 60 days prior to your course start date,
we will refund your enrollment fee, less a $200
per student handling charge. If cancellation occurs less than
60 days but more than 30 days prior to your class,
we will retain your 50% deposit; however, we will
allow you to reschedule the same class (or longer)
within six months of the original class start date.
Your 50% deposit, less the $200 handling fee, will
be applied to your rescheduled class dates. All
fees are due in full 30 days prior to your class.
If cancellation occurs less than 30 days prior to
your class, we will retain the full amount of the
course fees, but allow you the same rescheduling
policy as outlined above. The full amount of the
course, less the $200 handling fee would then be
applied to the rescheduled class. If your reservation
is made less than 60 days prior to your class, the
course fees are nonrefundable. However, the rescheduling
policy as outlined above will apply.
Captains, Instructors and Dock Hands are service
providers. As such, gratuities are appreciated!
Transportation Information:
For transportation options to our facilities, please
Click Here.